I have a friend who is in the navy. He is fighting and trying to survive somewhere in Mariupol. I ask non-existing God to help him somehow. I always pray for him and his health. Why do I say “non-existing God”? Because his family is waiting for him at home, a small son expects him to come every day…and suddenly my friend finds some mobile network connection. To catch it, he needs to risk his life. It doesn’t work properly there. But he manages to get somewhere and writes to all of us: “You know, my son is waiting for me at home. You can’t believe it, tomorrow he will be 4 years old.
He might think that I have forgotten about him…” I don’t know people who were trying to buy balloons and cakes, who were trying to get to this little boy, ignoring shooting, bridges and block-posts. They were just telling what our friend- mariner wanted to say: “little buddy – daddy loves you, more than anybody.”
Natasya Nagorna